MajorAV Browser
Your All in One Web Browser
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Operating System:Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7
Version : 2018
Version : 2018

MajorAV Browser is the lightweight flagship browser that originated from an open source project by Google called Chromium and Chromium OS. MajorAV Browser is a blazing-fast, free Web browser with an intuitive interface and tons of useful tools built in.It's based on the Chromium platform, which makes it speedy, lightweight and customizable.

More than a browser
MajorAV Browser is a lightweight browser. Not only includes other browsers basic function but also with super speed, more direct interface, highly customization, and integrated practical optimization tool.

Completely remove those software and programs unwanted as well as related program files and parameters to speed up the computer and to prevent constant pop-ups.

Startup Manager
Improve startup speed by shutting up those items and programs running silently at system startup which will lower startup speed. Mainly including: Startup, Scheduled Task, System Service.

Services Optimizer
Improve computer running speed by forbidden or shutdown useless or seldom-used service.

Drivers Updater
Adopts advanced cloudy technology and based on a huge and comprehensive database to update outdated drivers and fix driver problems with extremely fast speed. It also can make hardware play a better role and computer run more perfectly.

Files Cleaner
Clear temporary files, junk files of system operation process, reduce system redundance, gain more available disk space and allow programs to run faster and more efficiently.

Registry Cleaner
After deleting some programs but without deleting related registry information, consequently lead to registry redundance more and more badly. This redundance not only influences the access efficiency itself but also causes reduction of the whole system performance. Therefore, Windows users would better clear registry regularly.

This function integrates dozens of Windows system tools, run system tool just with one-click to update Windows more effectively, such as uninstall, erase file, defrag disk and block bad ActiveX etc.

Application Center
Users can gain splendid tools with one-click and enjoy high convenience and perfect experience with this software to help to keep computer with great conditions.